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Friday 15 November 2013

Hi my dr friends,,,

Just little days before i found that AVAST is very worst.

when comparing with other ANTI VIRUS, we can easily get the AVAST KEY.
so only lot of users are using AVAST ANTI VIRUS.

But the real thing behind AVAST is, it just uploading from your system.

Look at here when we are working in Internet , we get slow internet bacause of AVAST downloading and uploading.


We can't stop that process. So only i am saying AVAST is worst.

You can find out what are the applications using your internet.

Open Run by pressing super key (WIN key) + R.

Type resman and enter to get resource monitor.

It is a hidden administrator application in windows operating system.

You can look up the AVAST running on your machine without your permission,,,

We can get the PID (Process ID )  of AVAST in resource monitor.

Now open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc ).

Come to the second last tab.

Now we can view the apps running on our machine,,,

Just select the AVAST by the PID number and click END TASK button.

We can't delete or end the task, it will pop up as "access denied".

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I am Arun Kumar, I love to blog, and to be a geek. My master sentence is "Knowledge is Free", so i love to share my ideas. I help people by teaching them, so that country will develop automatically. KNOWLEDGE IS FREE


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